Brief History

AfriGaz is an emerging supplies and services provider to East Africa’s Oil and Gas arena. With a proven track record in the extractive industries, AfriGaz’s global partnerships with international firms enable us to provide unique services within Africa’s energy sector.
We work with the world’s largest Oil and Gas companies providing a broad range of services from pipeline and LNG servicing to subsea and onshore energy and offshore oil and gas operations.  Our services meet the full demand of our clients, whether they be in exploration, extraction, refinement and/or energy marketing and hydrochemical development, pipeline provision, and transportation.
We offer experienced operational support, equipment and machinery to various clients across Africa.  AfriGaz’s multi-service solutions seek to assist clients from source to destination and we support each of the operational components of the energy industry in oil and gas, namely the Upstream, Midstream and Downstream.         

Areas of focus

Greenfiled and Brownfield Development

Phasellus porta fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur.

Onshore and offshore energy exploration, extraction and production

Morbi nunc odio gravida at cursus nec luctus a, lorem. Maecenas tristique orci ac sem. Duis ultricies pharetra.

Upstream, Midstream and Downstream
Ectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris fermen tum dictum magna. Sed laoreet aliquam leo. Ut tellus dolor, dapibus eget.


Africa is constantly being referred to as the next economic frontier. With natural resource wealth stemming in the trillions, the continent is not only endowed with high levels of vegetation, and minerals, but considerable hydrocarbons, namely Oil and Gas. New petroleum discoveries in unknown and untapped areas on the continent are increasingly being found.

While historically energy dominance on the continent has been in the Gulf of Guinea, stemming from Nigeria to Gabon, and Angola, increasing exploration in East Africa, off the coast of Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique are proving lucrative. More recently the onshore oil and discoveries in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo are also peaking the interest of oil and gas majors and causing a new “oil” rush from around the globe.

Major companies from across the globe are rushing into East Africa’s energy boom. Energy majors such as Dutch based Royal Dutch Shell, the UK’s British Gas and Norway’s Statoil have all entered into the regional economy, hoping their explorations yield significant returns.


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Bradley Grosh

Vice President and Controller